Selecting Events to Display

Choosing Which Events to Display in the Events List

When you press the button on the Events Page labeled Select/Search Events, you will come to a page which looks like this:

You can choose to view a subset of the list of all events by selecting from the
fields on this screen.

Category willl show you only events of the category you select here.

Facility willl show you only events scheduled at the facility (location) you select here.

Title willl show you only events with the title you select here. (You can enter as few characters
in the title as you wish, and all titles that contain/does not contain those characters wil be shown.

Description willl show you only events with the description you select here. (You can enter as few characters
in the description as you wish, and all descriptions that contain/does not contain those characters wil be shown.

Date of Event Between willl show you only events between the 2 dates you select here.

You may fill in as many or as few of these as you like, and it will show you the results. For example,
you may choose to see all events with the title containing "Dog" at the facility you select between
the 2 dates you select.

Then, when you press the button labeled Select by Above Criteria, you will be returned to the Events Page and the list of Events will show only the events you selected.

Note: to reset the list to All Events, click on the Select/Search Events button, and when you come to the Select page, simply press Select by Above Criteria, without doing anything else.


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